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I am pretty sure most women spend 99% of their pregnancy thinking about all of the items needed for baby...and 1% of the time thinking about themselves! Personally, I spent more time concerned about how many newborn onesies he should have, rather than how I was going to recover postpartum and prepare for breastfeeding!

Luckily, I follow some pretty great mommas on IG who shared their postpartum kits which offered a nice little wake up call. If I planned on giving birth vaginally I was going to need more than just a panty liner! And if it wasn't for my two best friends recently giving birth, breastfeeding wouldn't have even crossed my mind until they laid him on me in the delivery room and said "here, let's try to get him to latch."

Needless to say I wanted to pass along all of the essentials I needed in preparation for both postpartum recovery and breastfeeding! All items can be found on my Amazon storefront here as well as the links below.


Here are the breastfeeding items I use nearly every. single. day. and could not live without!

One thing I quickly learned once my milk came in was this lovely little thing called "let-down." If you're unfamiliar, it's basically the natural reaction and reflex your breasts have to release milk when your baby feeds. When your baby is feeding on one side, it's natural for your opposite breast to automatically release milk. Considering breastmilk is LIQUID GOLD, it's super beneficial to catch this milk and store it. I saved over 100oz in let-down alone our first week at home, which we we were able to store and freeze.

One way to catch the let-down, and what I personally do, is to insert a breast collection shell in my bra on the opposite breast I am feeding. Once I am done nursing, I'll empty the let-down into a storage bag (listed below) to freeze for a later date.

The Haaka is a definite must-have item that all moms rave about! It's a hands-free silicone breast pump that uses suction to help draw milk from your breast. A lot of women use the Haaka to collect milk from their "leaky breast" (AKA let-down) while your baby nurses on the other. It's essentially a hands-free milk catcher, similar to breast shells. (*Note: I personally prefer breast shells because of the way I hold Kaden when nursing - the Haaka tends to get in the way and the breast shells are more discreet. I do use both, I just lean more towards the shells.)

The Haaka is also beneficial if you encounter a clogged duct or to relieve engorgement - both which I've experienced!

Speaking of let-down, your breasts tend to release milk at completely random times throughout the day. You'll be watching a movie, taking a nap, or hear your child cry and immediately feel milk soaking your bra and shirt. It's WILD! I keep these stay dry pads in 24/7 and they are so beneficial. I mean who wants leaky boobs constantly ruining a cute outfit day after day?! Not I.

Unfortunately, breastfeeding completely ruined my nipples the day Kaden was born (and that's putting it lightly). I was inexperienced and wasn't ensuring he had a good latch, therefore I developed cracks and endured some of the worst pain for the first couple weeks as we learned how to properly nurse. These Lasinoh Soothies Cooling Gel Pads and Medela Tender Care Hydrogel saved. my. life! I kept them in the fridge and immediately placed them on my nipples after nursing to help them heal. They provided so much relief and were crucial in the healing process! I still use them often to help soothe my breasts after nursing.

These Lasinoh Therapearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Packs have also been extremely helpful! After my milk came in and I experienced my first round of engorgement, they provided so much relief and have multiple times since. I also love that you can both freeze them or heat them up to provide a cold or hot compress!

Another lifesaver that helps with the healing process! I personally received a prescription nipple cream on day 2 due to my initial issues, however I have heard amazing things about the Earth Mama Organic Nipple Butter!

I received the Kiinde Breast Milk Storage System Starter Pack off my registry and have really liked it so far! The starter kit has attachments so you can connect the pouches directly to your pump...which means less pump parts to clean! There's also a shelf for easy storage which is a huge plus.

Gone are the days of picking out an outfit without having to think of how to access the girls! I spend most days at home in loungewear or a nursing tank and I have a nursing bra on 24/7. I highly recommend these loose cotton nursing bras to wear initially and while you're lounging. Trust me when I say you'll want to avoid anything tight for overall comfort and to prevent clogged ducts!

I don't have enough experience in this area to recommend anything other than what your insurance provides! I have the Medela Pump in Style, however I have nothing to compare it to so it works for me!

If you're pumping, this is a must! I have found it nearly impossible to pump without a pumping bra. It keeps the suction in tact and everything hands-free.

Once we established breastfeeding, it was important for us to introduce a bottle to allow Kevin to bond with Kaden and give momma a break every once in a while. Kevin typically bottle feeds at least once a day and we've had really great success with the ComoTomo bottles. I asked around during pregnancy and was told these mimic the breast the most, therefore they tend to work really well with newborns. Kaden didn't hesitate for a second when Kevin gave him his first bottle and we've had zero issues since!

You're going to be cleaning all of those pump parts, bottles, haaka, and breast shells often so I highly recommend a good drying rack that works for your kitchen space!

Sterilization and cleanliness is of the upmost importance when feeding baby! We have the Baby Brezza One Step Sterilizer and Dryer and absolutely love it. It sterilizes all of my bottles, pump parts, and pacifiers with natural steam, kills 99.9% of germs, and dries them with a push of a button! It’s so simple and a definite must-have item if you want to avoid standing at the kitchen sink for hours on end. Use code THESARAHKATHRYN for 20% off any purchase of $75 and up!

Breastfeeding can definitely be hard on your body so it's important to have as much support as you can get. I started out with the Boppy, however quickly switched to the My Brest Friend as it provides more support and comfort for both Kaden and I when nursing. It's a personal preference, however I am definitely more comfortable when using My Brest Friend.

The dehydration is real! I get the worst headaches when nursing if I'm not hydrated enough. It's so important to keep up water intake for both you and baby. Make sure you always have a good water bottle within reach...especially at night!


Here are the the items I bought prior to giving birth to ensure I had all the essentials on hand!

Who knew babes weren't going to be the only ones wearing diapers after birth? In all honesty, I had no idea what I was about to endure until a couple days before, so I am super glad I bought these Always Discreet Disposable Underwear last minute! They were a MUST for the first two weeks.

Once everything began to lighten, I began wearing this postpartum cotton underwear with a normal pad. I am obsessed because they are so insanely comfortable - I ended up buying two sets!

This thing is amazing! I definitely didn't think it was necessary until I used it and it's a definite game changer! The one the hospital provides is like a normal squirt bottle, rather than this one that allows you to tip it upside down. It allows for easier access "down there" and I highly recommend!

I cannot even begin to explain how much I loved these (lol). The hospital provided some to take home, but I also did a Target run to ensure I had extra on hand. They provide such a cooling relief and I used a ton!

This releived any pain/itching within seconds! This also has a cooling effect which was extremely helpful.

I didn't use these a whole lot of these (I had a lot of product left over from the hospital) but they are great for swelling and pain!

By the end of week 2 things began to lighten up so I went from the disposable underwear to the postpartum cotton underwear and used normal maxi pads and liners. Bleeding can increase/decrease based on your activity level so I would recommend having a couple different sizes on hand!

I hope this helped any expecting mommas prepare and review what YOU may need to take care of yourself postpartum! Xx

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